A recent study from UNC determined that 88% of Americans are metabolically unhealthy, even if not overweight. One third of us are diabetic or pre-diabetic. Half of us have heart or arterial disease. For those of us presently reaching age 85, there is a 1 in 2 chance we will develop Alzheimer’s disease, which Scientists are calling “Type-3 Diabetes” and occurrence is expected to increase dramatically. The trajectory of the progression of these diseases and others under the umbrella term “Metabolic Syndrome” points to an etiology of environment and lifestyle choices, not just genetics. Doctors, journalists, government guidelines and all of the information on the internet and bookstore shelves have not been able to slow this epidemiological tidal wave of morbidity. The American economy is breaking under the volume of this, the cost of rapid technological advancements and increasingly volatile politics, government involvement and regulations. It is in our best interest to avoid getting caught in this maelstrom at all costs.
Further, SARS-CoV-2 has shown us that Co-morbidities from self-induced metabolic disease greatly increases mortality from that infection. It is clear that most of those we have lost were going to die early, anyway. One wants to face Covid-19 in top shape, or as close as possible.
Galenus Metabolic will offer personal or group metabolic consultation & education, public speaking, and health coaching services that promises to make difficult concepts clear to those not familiar with metabolic biochemistry. But we’re not live just yet!
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